Thanks, that did help to debug the application. I found that my errors
weren't so random after all ... if I went to a page with a bad query,
then I would start getting the error.
So, basically, if I grab a DB connection and issue a bad query, then
every other query issued via that DB connection will not work because
they are in the same transaction? So the following perl snippet:
my $dbh = DBI->connect(@database);
# invalid SQL
my $sql = "SELECT crap;";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sql = "SELECT 1;";
my ($should_be_one) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sql);
should throw an error for *both* queries? So I guess I need to issue a
commit after I do my queries, or else turn autocommit on.
And yes, always using strict and warnings in my scripts, and using
Apache::DBI's connection pooling to cache my DB connections.
Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
>On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 04:35:58PM -0500, Michael L. Artz wrote:
>>I'm having some odd issues, but I'm not sure exactly the cause of them,
>>but postgres is the component in the system that is throwing the errors,
>>so I thought I'd start here.
>>with the corresponding postgresql.log entry being
>>LOG: statement: SELECT session_key FROM session WHERE user_id = 101
>>ERROR: current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of
>>transaction block
>This happens when, within a transaction gets an error, you don't notice and
>keep blindly sending queries.
>Scroll up to find the actual error.
>If it's the first transaction in a session, that means someone forgot to
>clear their transaction. I guess you could fix it then by sending "abort"
>as the first query.
>Hope this helps,