Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>Wei Wang wrote:
>>Thank you all for your kind help. I have set up 7.4.1 and it's up and
>>running perfectly.
>>One small question that might not belong in this mailing list:
>>Since all the binary commands share the same name, e.g. initdb, createdb,
>>psql, etc, and the
>>default path is already the 7.1.3 version. How do I come up a way to access
>>binary commands of
>>both versions quickly without adding absolute path infront of those of
>Well if you are using 7.4.1 primarily you can just change the path order
>so that the pgsql/bin for 7.4.1 comes
>before the pgsql/bin for 7.1.3. If not, you could set up some aliases...
>if you are using bash:
>alias psql74 = '/usr/local/pgsql74/bin/psql'
gcc's configure has a --program-prefix and a --program-suffix option so:
./configure --program-suffix=-3.4
would generate the binary:
instead of:
I wonder if people would find that useful for PostgreSQL? It doesn't
seem to be a particularly hot topic, though.
Mike Mascari