-- System Information --
Platform: Windows XP
Version: 5.1
Build: 2600 Service Pack 1
-- Application Information --
Name: pgAdmin II
Version: 1.5.60
Name: pgSchema
Version: 1.5.60
Descripton: PostgreSQL Schema Objects v1.5.60
-- Database Information --
Version: 7.3.2
Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.3.2 on i686-pc-cygwin, compiled by GCC gcc
(GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)
-- Driver Information --
Name: PostgreSQL
Version: 7.3.100
Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.3.2 on i686-pc-cygwin, compiled by GCC gcc
(GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)
-- Error Information --
Description: ERROR: Invalid UNICODE character sequence found (0xe02073)
Number: -2147467259
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmSQLInput.cmdExecute_Click
Insert your comment:
The error occured while I was creating a database from an SQL script. The
same script works well with Database ASCII Encoded. The error occured near
these lines:
Create table gestione_discenti
( iscritto_id integer NOT NULL UNIQUE, gruppo_discenti_id integer NOT NULL, primary key
Comment on table fs_login Is 'This table store all informations about all
users who can use FaserOne Admin Control Panel. An user can be registered
in FaserOne, but it\'s possible he doesn\'t have a record in a login table.
This means an user can\'t access to the FaserOne.';
FABIO SERRA - faser(at)faser.net
PGP available