David Garamond wrote:
> In Interbase and Firebird, NUMERIC is implemented as 64-bit integer.
> This limits the range to NUMERIC(18, *) but for many uses that's
> adequate. And moreover it's fast and efficient.
> Is there a way in PostgreSQL to do something similar, i.e. I want to:
> - use 64-bit ints, not string bits or arbitrary precision which is
> dubbed as "much slower than ints" in the documentation;
They call that a 'bigint', which is in SQL-spec and I noticed it got
inserted in firebird 1.5
> - use decimals, like NUMERIC(18,4);
Well, decimal and numeric are both available in postgres
> - store and retrieve decimal numbers pretty much transparently (e.g. I
> don't want to remember to insert 123456 for 12.3456 and playing with
> multiplying/dividing by 10000);
You can just use 12.3456 in postgres.
Best regards,