Dnia 2003-11-28 22:57, Użytkownik Tom Lane napisał:
> Restructure planning of nestloop inner indexscans so that the set
> of usable joinclauses is determined accurately for each join.
> Formerly, the code only considered joinclauses that used all of the
> rels from the outer side of the join; thus for example FROM (a
> CROSS JOIN b) JOIN c ON (c.f1 = a.x AND c.f2 = b.y) could not
> exploit a two-column index on c(f1,f2), since neither of the qual
> clauses would be in the joininfo list it looked in. The new code
> does this correctly, and also is able to eliminate redundant
> clauses, thus fixing the problem noted 24-Oct-02 by Hans-Jürgen
> Schönig.
Yes, this is a description of my problem. Thanks a lot.
Tomasz Myrta