If you compile/re-compile all databases are accesssible from one port.
The system table pg_database stores the path to the 'base' dir which can
be in the user's dir.
Also in the pg_database table you can update the datdba field to change
the owner of the database.
An example where this is very cool is if the user logs into their
database via a web interface like
phpPgAdmin they can log into just their database and not anyone else's.
Pretty much ideal for a hosting situation.
Does anyone have the C compile flags handy ?
Best regards
Oliver Elphick wrote:
>On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 07:13, Laszlo Hornyak wrote:
>>I believe you don`t need to recompile, just
>>export PGDATA=/home/me/pgdata
>>pg_ctl start
>>and ready to go.
>If you do this, each separate instance needs a different port. That can
>be set in $PGDATA/postgresql.conf.
>When you connect to the server (with psql or another frontend) you
>specify the correct port for the server you want.
> psql -p 5433 -d mydatabase
> export PGPORT=5433
> psql -d mydatabase