Ron Johnson wrote:
>>IMO they could be better machine for databases. Get a 64 bit linux kernel and
>>run 32 bit postgresql on it. Should work like a charm..
> Why not run 64-bit PG on the 64-bit kernel? A bunch of distros
> are releasing support for the AMD64 this month.
The best performance is by running 32 bit applications on 64 bit kernel/hardware
, according to a migration guide by HP. The reasoning is using space optimally
Imagine, if every long in pg is 8byte that would be waste most of the times.
However given a native 8 byte integer/float is available, there is no reason to
use a 8 byte data type unless required.
Its about exploiting wide and fast bus of a 64bit machine in a most optimal
fashion. I think except for kernel and glibc, nothing else requires 64 bit in
general unless application insists on doing it's own caching.
Of course benchmarks have the last words..:-)