Ron Johnson wrote:
>On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 10:50, Andrew Rawnsley wrote:
>>Small soapbox moment here...
>>ANYTHING that can be done to eliminate having to do an initdb on
>>version changes would make a lot of people do cartwheels. 'Do a
>>dump/reload' sometimes comes across a bit casually on the lists (my
>>apologies if it isn't meant to be), but it can be be incredibly onerous
>>to do on a large production system. That's probably why you run across
>>people running stupid-old versions.
>And this will become even more of an issue as it's PG's popularity
>grows with large and 24x7 databases.
He is right, it might be a good idea to head this problem 'off at the
pass'. I am usually pretty good at predicting technilogical trends. I've
made some money at it. And I predict that Postgres will eclipse MySQL
and be in the top 5 of all databases deployed. But it does have some
achilles tendon's.