Tom Lane wrote:
> Not sure ... feel free to make a proposal. I had been planning to add
> function(s) to libpq to allow individual error fields to be extracted,
> but you are right that there'll need to be some way to customize the
> behavior of PQerrorMessage() as well.
What about a new connection string keyword that controls how much detail
is included in PQerrorMessage() for the current session? Maybe
message_verbosity as a level something like:
0 - no message text (not sure if this makes sense)
1 - short message only
2 - short plus detailed
3 - short plus detailed plus hint
4 - ?
5 - all details (short, detailed, hint, file, line, function name, etc)
Or perhaps better would be a new GUC variable?
> Perhaps we could put in some hack to vary the logging level depending
> on whether we are in postmaster start, postmaster run, backend start,
> backend run state. Not sure though. Any ideas?
Seems reasonable to have distinct postmaster_log_min_messages from
backend_log_min_messages. And in similar fashion,
postmaster_message_verbosity and backend_message_verbosity. Then use the
verbosity setting to determine what text is actually logged.