On 9 Feb 2003 at 17:48, Ben-Nes Michael wrote:
> also I heard that you cant do transaction within transaction in postgres
> while in Oracle you can. ( im not sure if its true at all )
nope... "commit" in Oracle close ALL open transaction.
Just to put my 2 c.:
Postgres is by far easier in install. Without a skilled DBA you can't
even *think* in putting together a *working* Oracle installation.
Pl/SQL is far superior to pg/sql. But, in postgres you *can* use other
languages for SP.
"imp" and "exp" utility are far superior to pg_dump and pg_restore.
Oracle has the habit of thinking that *his* version of SQL is *the*
version of SQL (and it's the least similar to standards, IMHO).
Of course there are many other features that differs. The one I miss
more is the two-phase commit... (AKA transactions distributed
among databases)
Just my 0.02 Euros ;-)
Fabrizio Ermini e-mail:
P.za S. Allende, 8 hermooz@tin.it
50063 Figline Valdarno (FI) faermini@tin.it
ITALY ICQ UIN: 24.64.37