> I agree --- for one thing, we definitely have some bugs in the datetime
> pg_proc entries. Unless we want to go into beta with a known initdb
> yet to do, we've got to wait for Thomas to deal with those.
I had a chance to work on timestamp features this weekend, and would
like to apply patches which give us another step toward SQL99 compliance
with support for specifying precision. As in
select timestamp(2) with time zone '2001-09-30 04:06:06.78';
This uses typmod to adjust precision when date/times are read or written
to columns, as is done for other data types already. I did *not* alter
the on-disk format for the types, but I think that the new support may
be sufficient for compliance and has less overhead than trying to carry
the precision with every instance of the type.
I will also look at the remaining catalog issues (didn't get to email
this weekend), but will not likely have time until this evening (Hawaii
time :)
I haven't figured out *where* the docs are supposed to go in the new
scheme; none of the disk areas known to me on the new machines seem to
have a documentation directory at all! Where is this stuff supposed to
go? If things are going in different places, perhaps someone will have
time to mention, in one message, where those places are and what the
subdirectory scheme will look like?
- Thomas