[snip junk]
> [snipped code that looked simple enough to a non tcl-er]
> >
> > they both produces sometimes correct results, sometimes under what the
> > result should be and sometimes over it.
> > But 5 or 6 concurrent requests always produce the correct results, any
> > more than that things go wrong.
> Your code looks fine (it's only sql="..." and exec $sql so there can't
> be anything wrong with it).
> The only things I can think of are:
> 1. bug with pg+aolserver (unlikely I think openACS uses that combo). The
> only peculiarity I know with aolsvr is that it's multi-threading, and I
> don't know if that could cause this.
> 2. you aren't actually fetching the number of pages you think you are.
> It could be that calls are failing and being redone without ab telling
> you. Not sure how to tell this without counting packets on the
> wire/turning logging to max on the webserver.
> - Richard Huxton
Im guessing 2.
I just tried using httperf with --num-conn 50 ra 50
My counter went up by 50 every time - and httperf reported around 25
concurrent requests.
Is there a good way to test out concurrent queries, and see if they are
working as expected ?
ab doesnt seem to be reporting right - although httperf gives the
results i expect.