> Interbase users are considering moving en-mass to PostgreSQL
Inprise have just announced that they are making Interbase 6 available
as open source. But no information yet on License or on how they are
going to support it. I am not confident they can recruit enough
volunteers and am confident that it will take a loong while to become an
efficient Open Source team that is confidently developing the code.
> Publishers are crawling all over each other to publish a PostgreSQL book
This would be a really good thing.
> My big question is, what new challenges will we face as we become more
> popular?
I think the overriding emphasis has been clearly stressed as stability
and reliability way ahead of anything else.
After that features which can help stability, reliability and speed (eg
transaction logs).
After that I am not so worried about much apart from support for Win9x
(as I have mentioned just once or twice).
> Do we have the proper license? I know this has the possibility of
> opening up a GPL vs. BSD slugfest. However, I will not let such a
> discussion get out of control.
I am happy with the license.