Robert Hiltibidal wrote:
> We are trying to get pgaccess to run on win32 machines. We have one nt 4.0
> sp3 machine and one win95B sp2 machine. Both machines have tcl 8.2
> installed. The tcl and tk demos that came with the binary package work
> flawlessly on both machines.
> When we try to run pgaccess from the nt machine we get the following error:
> "Couldn't load file "libpgtcl.dll": invalid argument
After solving that problem (a PATH to libpgtcl.dll problem I think) take
into account that in win32 you should get the suitable DLL's for the
Tcl/Tk version and PostgreSQL backend version.
As I know, there are new DLL's only for Tcl/Tk 8.0.x/PostgreSQL 6.5.1
and Tcl/Tk 8.1.x/PostgreSQL 6.5.1
For the 8.2 , not yet. Even in Linux, I didn't succeed to start PgAccess
with Tcl/Tk 8.2 :-(
Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA