I'm trying to dump and restore my database which is a 6.5 May 2nd
snapshot, but psql is barfing on pg_dump's output. Naturally I find that
quite disturbing! I'd like to find out how I can salvage my data,
because right now I havn't got a way of backing it up properly. pg_dump
-D |psql can re-insert my data, but with the loss of oids, and my schema
relies on oids. If anyone wants the full pg_dump data let me know.
pg_dump -o |psql results in the errors.....
The first one, it looks
COPY "urllink" WITH OIDS FROM stdin;
ERROR: pg_atoi: error in "http://www.photogs.com/bwworld/f5.html":
can't parse
PQendcopy: resetting connection
This was caused by the following input
COPY "urllink" WITH OIDS FROM stdin;
24265 \N Review of Nikon F5 \N \N \N 24065
http://www.photogs.com/bwworld/f5.html t
It looks like maybe postgres is expecting an integer and getting a
string maybe?
One thing I did which was a little unusual is that I did an ALTER TABLE
foo ADD COLUMN, but I should have said ALTER TABLE foo* ADD COLUMN to
get the column on inherited attributes. The only solution I could think
of was to go and add the attribute to all the sub-classes too. This
seemed to work (is this what I should have done?), but I don't know if
this might be related to this problem. Maybe postgres is confused now
about column orders?? So I wanted desperately to do a pg_dump -D -o, but
-D stops -o from working (Yuk! This really need to be fixed!)
(Please give us DROP COLUMN soon! :-)
The other error looks to be something to do with views...
oid" AS "oidv", "type", "title", "summary", "body", "image", "category",
e", "mfr", "costprice", "taxrate", "profit", "rrprice", "taxrate" *
AS "tax", "costprice" + "profit" AS "exsaleprice", "costprice" +
"profit" + "tax
rate" * "costprice" AS "saleprice" FROM "product";
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "do"
CREATE RULE "_RETorderitemv" AS ON SELECT TO "orderitemv" WHERE DO
CT "oid" AS "oidv", "product", "webuser", "quantity", "price",
"taxfree", "order
status", "orderdatetime", "shipdatetime", "price" * "quantity" AS
"totalprice" F
ROM "orderitem";
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "do"