I'm working on a personal project to develop some sort of GPS software
for Linux. I was talking with a friend the other day and he let me
borrow a "TIGER/Line CD" (!1990!) from the US Bureau of the Census. I
know the data is old, but I just wanted to test it with PostgreSQL. I
don't know all that much about GIS maps, there might be a better source
I don't know about, but the data seems pretty easy to rip apart and
pitch into PostgreSQL.
Has anyone done anything like this? If so, is there any info on the
web? I checked the old mailing list archives, but they were not much
I'm using perl to get lat./long./velocity from a GPS sensor and would
like to extract data from PostgreSQL to draw/label the maps.
Any ideas or help would be great.
-- Failure is not an option. It comes
bundled with your Microsoft product.
Bryan R. Mattern
bm@datapace.com http://www.datapace.com