Thank you
Thank you
In this version of patch:
1. Made function isWindows1607OrGreater() without manifest
2. To open a directory using CreateFile, have to specify the FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS flag as part of dwFlagsAndAttributes. Checks that file is a directory by the GetFileAttributes function.
Victor Spirin
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company
01.10.2021 15:37, Juan José Santamaría Flecha пишет:
IsWindowsVersionOrGreater(10,0,1607) always returns false
Only IsWindowsVersionOrGreater(10,0,0) is a valid call. (There are no service packs in Windows 10.)
I haven't found a way to determine the Windows 10 release ID.
The RtlGetVersion function returns dwBuildNumber = 19042 on my Windows.
I heard that Microsoft does not support older versions of Windows 10 and requires a mandatory update.
You can translate the BuildNumber to the ReleaseId, for 1607 it will be 14393 [1].
We might find pretty much anything in the wild, the safer the check the better.
Juan José Santamaría Flecha