Thomas G. Lockhart wrote:
> > Did this get resolved?
> Yes, a file got left out of the cvs commit; Bruce fixed it right away.
> Update:
> I'm still seeing problems with the regression tests, and it appears to
> be the same symptom reported by someone else earlier: a couple of tables
> (or indices) exist but something is munged in pg_class so that I can
> only see the entry using a "like" query; an "=" equals query does not
> return the row.
I know why this was happening. (At least on the surface) In my case,
whenever a I added an index to a table pg_class_relname_index was getting
corrupted. The nature of the corruption was that any query that used the
pg_class_relname_index to find a table that was just indexed, could no
longer find it. The corruption must occur on the update of pg_class when
the index is added. This explains why:
CREATE TABLE foo (i int);
CREATE INDEX foo_idx ON foo USING btree(i);
SELECT * FROM pg_class;
Showed a complete correct list of tables.
SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE = 'foo';
SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE LIKE 'foo%';
Showed nothing. I did not know LIKE was using an index. It through
me. Nice job by sombody.
SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE LIKE '%foo';
Showed my original table. But this query like the first does a full
In any case I will be doing some testing myself this afternoon.