Sorry for asking the hackers directly, but I think my question will be very implementation
specific so I think only one of yor can give me the answer or thow me out the door.
First some introductionary explanations:
We are developing a SCADA system for process automation since the last 6 years. In 1991
we changed the platform from a commercial Unix to Linux and are very happy with the choice.
Within the SCADA system we have a programming environment (called STX, similar to the IEC1131 Structured Text
language) for doing sophisticated controlling or analysis needed to run the process.
From within this programming environment we also have the need to access a relational database to store
any data from the SCADE system into. This to give the end user also the possibilty to access this data
for offline analysis purpose e.g from a MS/Windows application.
We have implemented the PostgreSQL database during the last weeks, by using the libpq. This works fine.
Nearly all needed functionality and tools are available for it (pgaccess, Web access, ODBC, ...).
The problem is now as following:
We have some customers, who want to have the database interface within the SCADA system (same API),
but want to have the data itself stored in a Oracle database (one customer on Digital Unix, the other
on Win/NT).
Cause there is no Oracle client SW available under Linux and I don't want to change the API in our
programming environment I would like to have a modified PostgreSQL Backend that runs under the above
mentioned platforms and simply acts as a SW gateway to the Oracle Sever (using e.g the Oracle OCI interaface
or the PRO/C interafce). Such a solution would preserve my interface completely (still using the libpg).
Now after this lengthy introduction my questions:
1 Could you give me more information on how and where to hook into the backend code to implement this
2 Is there anyone outside that will be interested also in this approach.
3 Are you interested in getting back the new stuff
Thanks a lot for your patience!!
Dr. Armin. Schloesser
Philips Automation Projects Phone: +49 561 501 1395
Miramstr. 87 Fax: +49 561 501 1688
34123 Kassel Email: armin@ap-kas.ie.philips.com