I use postgreSQL 6.3. Have a look at this (after running psql):
mydb=> vacuum;
mydb=> create table mytable (number int);
mydb=> insert into mytable values(12);
INSERT 18711 1
mydb=> insert into mytable values(13);
INSERT 18712 1
mydb=> select * from mytable;
(2 rows)
mydb=> \d mytable;
Table = mytable
| Field | Type | Length|
| number | int4 | 4 |
mydb=> \dt
Couldn't find any tables!
(I made the above drawn table a little thiner to
make it easier to view)
My answers are:
1.Why can't \dt see any tables?
2.I also can't see the tables using ODBC in Access97 (in Win95OSR).
My driver is psqlODBC 6.30. There is no problem with
authorisation and queries like select or insert.
Can anyone tell me where the point is or where I can find the answer?
I went through all available documentation and was not able to solve it.
I work on SunOS 5.5.1.
I have never used name 'mytable' before. The binaries were got from
Thanks in advance
Wojtek Pietron