> > Nobody "owns" them...Thomas and I have tried to keep them
> > relatively up to date, with Thomas doing the most part of the work
> > on a Linux platform...
> > Stuff like the int* test 'expected' output files are generated
> > under Linux, which generates a different error message then the same
> > test(s) under FreeBSD/NetBSD :(
> Ok, now I am confused. Isn't the error message "our" error message? If
> so, can't we make it the same?
Nope. Some messages come from the system apparently. I can't remember
how they come about, but the differences are not due to #ifdef FreeBSD
blocks in the code :)
The only differences I know of in the regression tests are due to
numeric rounding, math libraries and system error messages.
I will point out that although no one really "owns" the regression tests
(in the spirit that everyone can and should contribute) I (and others)
have run them extensively in support of releases. It is important that
whoever is running the "reference platform" be willing to run regression
tests ad nauseum, and to track down any problems. I've done so the last
few releases.
When/if this doesn't happen, we get a flakey release.
- Tom