$ alias psql12
alias psql12='/usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/psql -p5433'
This works ask expected:
$ psql12 --set num=42 -ac "\echo :num"
echo :num
And so does this:
$ psql12 --set num=42
psql (12.11 (Ubuntu 12.11-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# select :num;
(1 row)
But trying to use a variable (both with and without single quotes) in a
--command statement other than "\echo" throws a syntax error at the colon:
$ psql12 --set num=42 -ac "select :num;"
select :num;
ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
LINE 1: select :num;
$ psql12 --set num=42 -ac "select :'num';"
select :'num';
ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
LINE 1: select :'num';
What secret sauce am I missing to get this to work?
Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.