what standard say ... - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Vadim B. Mikheev
Subject what standard say ...
Msg-id 34DA92F9.F03D6CB3@sable.krasnoyarsk.su
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: [HACKERS] what standard say ...
List pgsql-hackers
vac=> \d test

Table    = test
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| x                                | int4                             |     4 |
| y                                | int4                             |     4 |
vac=> select count(*) from test where exists (select t1.y from test t1 where t1.y = x);
Is this correlated subquery or not ?
(Note, that I don't use x with t1. prefix here)
With current parser this works as un-correlated subquery...
Is this Ok and I have to re-write query as

vac=> select count(*) from test t2 where exists
(select t1.y from test t1 where t1.y = t2.x);
to get correlated one ?


pgsql-hackers by date:

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Subject: Re: [HACKERS] create function bug?
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