trend=# select relname, relpages*8192/reltuples from pg_class where reltuples>0 order by relpages desc limit 10; relname | ?column? -------------------------------+------------------ property | 19935.4468376195 result_entry_pkey | 1611.15654062026 result_entry | 1417.71707157196 person | 7107.41684585612 property_feature_pkey | 98.7810833557521 property_feature | 60.2035684051268 person_name_i | 3358.93641334398 property_price_i | 1978.89907374882 property_mls_listing_number_i | 1923.61833274788 property_spatial | 1784.73493686332 (10 rows)
If I have this query right in my head, this means that the average tuple in the property relation is taking up 19k? and the average tuple in the result_entry_pkey index is take 1.5k?!
Is there a way I can get the database to coalesce free space? A vacuum verbose shows that I have enough entries in the free space map...