Re: Extreme incompetence by pgAdmin people in every wayimaginable... - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Melvin Davidson
Subject Re: Extreme incompetence by pgAdmin people in every wayimaginable...
Whole thread Raw
In response to Extreme incompetence by pgAdmin people in every way imaginable...  (<>)
List pgadmin-support

I also am disappointed with the current version of PgAdmin 4, but I prefer
to simply report any bugs and inefficiencies I find to the PgAdmin team in
a positive way. Your emails are very childish and show you are immature and
in need of serious guidance. However, since you have decided you will no
longer use PgAdmin and instead prefer the "alternatives", I am sure everyone
else on this list will be just as happy to see you depart.

Melvin Davidson 🎸
I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.
Folk Alley - All Folk - 24 Hours a day

On Friday, June 23, 2017, 9:16:29 AM EDT, <> wrote:

This isn't even funny. It's just sad and bizarre. Everything about this project screams of incompetence, from the impossibly slow and buggy pgAdmin 4 -- literally UNUSABLE after over a million dollars spent developing it! -- to this mailing list itself.

I'm going to have to assume that nobody gives a shit about anything related to pgAdmin. I'm sure as hell never going to "upgrade" from pgAdmin III, which itself is incredibly slow and buggy as well, but lightyears ahead of v4.

Then again, nobody will read this, just like my previous posts. You are immune to the truth. I'm going to force myself to use one of the weird "alternatives" and forget about pgAdmin forever. Bye.

(If I manage to unsubscribe to this inferno.)

pgadmin-support by date:

From: "Paragon Corporation"
Subject: RE: Extreme incompetence by pgAdmin people in every way imaginable...
From: Gerson
Subject: unsubscribe