At 05:59 21/06/00 +0900, Hiroshi Inoue wrote:
>Before the details of tablespace implementation,
>1) How to change(extend) the syntax of CREATE TABLE
> We only add table(data)space name with some
> keyword ? i.e Do we consider tablespace as an
> abstraction ?
It may be worth considering leaving the CREATE TABLE statement alone.
Dec/RDB uses a new statement entirely to define where a table goes. It's
actually a *very* complex statement, but the key syntax is:
CREATE STORAGE MAP <map-name> FOR <table-name> [PLACEMENT VIA INDEX <index-name>] STORE [COLUMNS ([col-name,])]
[IN<area-name> | RANDOMLY ACROSS <area-list>]
where <area-name> is the name of a Dec/RDB STORAGE AREA, which is basically
a file that contains one or more tables/indices etc. There are options to
specify area choice by column value, fullness, how to store BLOBs etc etc.
I realize that this is way too complex for a first pass, but it gives an
idea of where you *might* want to go, and hence, possibly, a reason for
starting out with something like:
CREATE STORAGE MAP <map-name> for <table-name> STORE IN <area-name>;
P.S. I really hope this is more cogent than my last message.
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