Hello, I'm trying to install tsearch2 on PostgreSQL 8.3.7 but I'm struggling to get it run. I installed it
<b>successfullyon PostgreSQL 8.1</b> but can't get it working on 8.3.7 using the same steps. The steps I'm using are:
1.yum install postgresql-contrib 2. psql mydb < tsearch2.sql In version 8.1, tsearch2.sql contained SQL statements
tocreate 4 pg_ts_* tables: pg_ts_cfg, pg_ts_dict, ... and populate them with data. These statements <b>are missing in
tsearch2.sql8.3.7 version</b>. So, I'm getting: ERROR: relation "<i>pg_ts_*</i>" does not exist when trying to run
tsearchstatements on version 8.3.2. I'm attaching PostgreSQL 8.3.7 tsearch2.sql for reference. Am I missing something?
Thanksin advance. l0rins<a href="http://www.nabble.com/file/p22989298/tsearch2.sql" target="_top">tsearch2.sql</a><br
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