Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
>> better find the appropriate version of tclsh first. It would appear
>> from looking at configure that the --with-tclconfig option is fairly
>> useless, since if you don't set it the correct value is extracted by
>> asking tclsh. You'd only need to specify it if your Tcl setup is not
>> internally consistent.
> The idea might have been that you could select which one of several
> installed Tcl version to use. E.g., if you have a cutting edge
> experimental build somewhere you could use
> --with-tclconfig=$HOME/tcl-install/lib.
Right, but AFAICT it's sufficient (and perhaps also necessary) to make
sure that your cutting-edge Tcl is first in your PATH. If you do
PATH=$HOME/tcl-install/bin:$PATH configure ...
then the same result is achieved by asking tclsh where to search for I am not sure whether tclsh is used for anything else
during the build; if it isn't then setting PATH isn't essential.
(In the perl case it *is* essential to set PATH...)
> Anyway, the problem here seems to be that the file does not
> provide a variable that gives a hint where to look for include files.
'Twould be nicer if it did that, all right.
regards, tom lane