Re: Get rid of WALBufMappingLock - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Álvaro Herrera
Subject Re: Get rid of WALBufMappingLock
Msg-id 202502281313.4lc5yjpainhk@alvherre.pgsql
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Get rid of WALBufMappingLock  (Michael Paquier <>)
Responses Re: Get rid of WALBufMappingLock
List pgsql-hackers
On 2025-Feb-28, Michael Paquier wrote:

> Saying that, I have also done similar tests with your v12 for a couple
> of hours and this looks stable under installcheck-world.  I can see
> that you've reworked quite a bit the surroundings of InitializedFrom
> in this one.  If you apply that once again at some point, the
> buildfarm will be judge in the long-term, but I am rather confident by
> saying that the situation looks better here, at least.

Heh, no amount of testing can prove lack of bugs; but for sure "it looks
different now, so it must be correct" must be the weakest proof of
correctness I've heard of!

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —
"I am amazed at [the pgsql-sql] mailing list for the wonderful support, and
lack of hesitasion in answering a lost soul's question, I just wished the rest
of the mailing list could be like this."                               (Fotis)

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