On 2022-09-28 21:22:26 +0200, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> I have an additional, unrelated complaint about CI, which is that we
> don't have anything for past branches. I have a partial hack(*), but
> I wish we had something we could readily use.
> (*) I just backpatched the commit that added the .cirrus.yml file, plus
> some later fixes to it, and I keep that as a separate branch which I
> merge with whatever other changes I want to test. I then push that to
> github, and ignore the windows results when looking at cirrus-ci.com.
I'd not be against backpatching the ci stuff if there were sufficient demand
for it. It'd probably be a decent bit of initial work, but after that it
shouldn't be too bad.
Andres Freund