On 2021-Apr-29, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> Getting rid of a redundant, boolean variable is good not because it's more
> efficient but because it's one fewer LOC to read and maintain (and an
> opportunity for inconsistency, I suppose).
Makes sense. Pushed. Thanks everyone.
> Also, this is a roundabout and too-verbose way to invert a boolean:
> | transformCheckConstraints(&cxt, !is_foreign_table ? true : false);
It is, yeah.
> PS. It's also not pythonic ;)
Umm. If you say so. But this is not Python ...
Álvaro Herrera 39°49'30"S 73°17'W
"El hombre nunca sabe de lo que es capaz hasta que lo intenta" (C. Dickens)