On 2021-04-02 10:18:20 -0400, Mike Palmiotto wrote:
> I can't really speak to the initial points directly relating to
> pgstat/shmem, but for the overall maze-like nature of the startup
> code: is there any chance the startup centralization patchset would be
> of any help here?
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CAMN686FE0OdZKp9YPO=htC6LnA6aW4r-+jq=3Q5RAoFQgW8EtA@mail.gmail.com
I think parts of it could help, at least. It doesn't really do much
about centralizing / de-mazing the actual initialization of sub-systems,
but it'd make it a bit easier to do so.
Andres Freund