+{ oid => '2228', descr => 'split delimited text',
+ proname => 'string_to_table', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
+ prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'text text',
+ prosrc => 'text_to_table' },
+{ oid => '2282', descr => 'split delimited text with null string',
+ proname => 'string_to_table', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
+ prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'text text text',
+ prosrc => 'text_to_table_null' },
I go through the patch, and everything looks good to me. But I do not know
why it needs a 'text_to_table_null()', it's ok to put a 'text_to_table' there, I think.
Highgo Software (Canada/China/Pakistan) URL : www.highgo.ca EMAIL: mailto:movead(dot)li(at)highgo(dot)ca