I took a quick peek at this, and noticed the following things:
* I am pretty sure this patch doesn't compile anymore after the latest set of releases.
* This definitely should include isolationtester tests actually performing concurrent ALTER TABLEs. All that's
currentlythere is tests that the locklevel isn't too high, but not that it actually works.
* So far no DDL uses ShareRowExclusiveLocks, why do so now? Not sure if there aren't relevant cases for with foreign
keychecks (which afair *do* acquire SRE locks).
* Why is AddConstraint "so complicated" when it's all used SRE locks?
* Are you sure AlterConstraint is generally safe without an AEL? It should be safe to change whether something is
deferred,but not necessarily whether it's deferrable?
* Why does ChangeOwner need AEL?
* You changed several places to take out lower locks, which in itself is fine, but doesn't that lead to lock upgrade
hazardif a later step acquires a stronger lock? Or do we take out a strong enough lock from the beginning.
* There's no explanation why the EOXact TupleDesc stuff is needed?
That's it for now,
-- Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &