On 2013-11-25 18:06:30 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> > I mean that in the !KEYS_UPDATED case we don't need to abort if we're
> > only acquiring a key share...
> Hm, I think that's correct -- we don't need to abort. But we still need
> to wait until the updater completes. So this proposed patch is not the
> full story.
Hm. Why do we need to wait in that case? Isn't the entire point of KEY
SHARE locks *not* having to wait for !KEYS_UPDATED? ISTM in that case we
should only check whether the creating transaction has aborted because
in that case we don't need to take out a lock?
Andres Freund
-- Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &