On Thursday 29 January 2009 05:16:17 am Gregory Stark wrote:
> I'm putting together a talk on "PostgreSQL Pet Peeves" for discussion at
> FOSDEM 2009 this year. I have a pretty good idea what some them are of
> course, but I would be interested to hear if people have any complaints
> from personal experience. What would be most interesting is if you can
> explain an example of when the problem caused real inconvenience to you,
> since sometimes it's hard to see from a theoretical description where the
> real harm lies.
> So, what do people say? Is Postgres perfect in your world or does it do
> some things which rub you the wrong way?
> Feel free to respond on-list or if you prefer in personal emails. I do
> intend to use the ideas you give in my presentation so mark anything you
> wouldn't be happy to see in a slide at a conference some day.
> --
> Gregory Stark
> EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com
> Ask me about EnterpriseDB's Slony Replication support!
I'm not sure if it's just my version (8.1) but I can't access two different
database in the same statement as in
insert into public.db1.table1 (select * from public.db2.table2)
John Fabiani