On Wed, Dec 26, 2007 at 01:26:07AM +0100, Guillaume Smet wrote:
> I just posted to -performance and I received the following email from
> postmaster at infotecnica.com.br:
> "The email message sent to pgsql-performance at postgresql.org requires
> a confirmation to be delivered. Please, answer this email informing the
> characters that you see in the image below."
> followed by a captcha image.
> I think we should inform the user to remove this sort of thing or
> unsubscribe him from the list. It's quite annoying and disturbing for
> our users.
We've had several people complain about this -- I think there was a thread
on -hackers as well. I'm happy just to unsubscribe the user, as I'm willing
to bet lunch s/he isn't getting most of the mail. Spammers are using this
mechanism to get people to decode captchas for them, too, so I would never
do it (I've no reason to believe, yet, that that's what's happening in this