rob@ridley:~$ ~rob/devel/postgresql/83/bin/psql -h localhost -u rob -p 5483]
psql: Warning: The -u option is deprecated. Use -U.
User name: rob
Password for user :
Welcome to psql 8.3beta2, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
1) I don't recall why -u was ever deprecated (and honestly postgresql is the
only program I know which uses -U rather than -u) but maybe we should revert
to -u and deprecate -U instread?
2) in any case, if you use -u for some reason it messes up the "Password for
user " line. In my terminal it gives me a square which doesnt show up in my
email, but in any case is there some reason it can't print out the proper
user name (maybe some encoding issue?)
3) as far back as I can remember, -u has been deprecated, so if we dont want
to revert to it (see 1) maybe it should just be removed entirely?
Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL