2007-11-06_08:23:36-0500 ioguix <ioguix@free.fr>:
> Kevin Hunter wrote :
> > but what about something like a DB-backed filesystem?
> This project exists. It's a student project called noofs. Unfortunatly,
> it seems they are laking of web hoster (fr:
> http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.noofs.devel).
There have also been several FUSE projects aiming to do this - just
google "fuse database filesystem"
libferris (http://witme.sourceforge.net/libferris.web/) aims to turn
just about _everything_ into a filesystem. Pretty interesting project.
From http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8901:
"With libferris, the boundary of your filesystem extends to include
PostgreSQL, XML, db4, RDF, the X Window System, Evolution and much
Ron Peterson