Am 2007-01-30 07:56:32, schrieb Sim Zacks:
> In the traditional imap server the mail is stored in folders on the server
> that are accessed by the client. Therefore you are limited to one indexed
> location per email. Lets say you want to look at your email by customer.
> You would want to have a folder per customer so you can review your
> correspondence with each one individually. If you want to look at
Not needed!
I have a Table per $USER and folders are only virtuell. So if you have
the message in your INBOX and copy it to INBOX.pgsql the the message in
the table become two references for the TWO folders.
Note: Currently I have 7.41 million messages in my table
for testing plus the originals on Courier-Imap.
Michelle Konzack
Tamay Dogan Network
Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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