On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 01:27:19PM -0800, Karen Hill wrote:
> there any worry in the community that oracle will begin to target
> postgres like they're targeting mySQL?
I attended a big ora conference in 2006 and was a bit surprised to
observe the fact that ora corp keynote addresses did not even mention
a db. The big focus was the apps, their future. I think they have
resigned themselves to those weak db sales. They can just charge
what they like this week to the people who live on their apps.
Mogens Norgaard wrote in Tales of the Oak Table, 2004, "But Oracle needs
to reinvent itself. No company can survive on a database only revenue
stream in the next 10 years."
That said, probably, lasts gasps from a legacy system. I'm wondering
when ora will open up its code ala sun/solaris.