mydb=# select to_timestamp('00000000 0300','yyyymmdd hh24mi'); to_timestamp
---------------------------0001-01-01 03:00:00+01 BC
(1 row)
Questionable, but probably valid.
mydb=# select to_timestamp(' 0300','yyyymmdd hh24mi'); to_timestamp
------------------------0300-12-25 03:00:00+01
(1 row)
This puzzles me. Where is the 25th of december coming from?
mydb=# select to_timestamp(' 030004','yyyymmdd hh24mi'); to_timestamp
------------------------0382-04-23 03:00:00+01
(1 row)
Same as above.
mydb=# select to_timestamp(' 040004','yyyymmdd hh24mi'); to_timestamp
------------------------0509-10-10 04:00:00+01
I think all except the first one should raise a warning, isn't it? Where can I
find the source code of this function?
Best regards,Mario Weilguni