On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 04:21:03PM -0800, Jerry Day wrote:
> I've recently encountered a situation where PQfmod() fails to return the
> defined length of a varchar field referenced in a query, as expected -
> returning no information (-1), instead. Has anyone else encountered this
> issue? If so, why does this occur? Can you recommended a method to more
> reliably obtain the length of varchar fields, as defined in the relations
> referenced by a query?
Are you sure the column has a length specifier? What does "\d tablename"
show, or what's the result of the following query?
SELECT attname, attnum, atttypid::regtype, atttypmod
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'tablename'::regclass AND attnum >= 1 AND attisdropped IS FALSE
ORDER by attnum;
Michael Fuhr