Markus Schaber mentioned :
=> There are (at least) two independently developed pgdiff applications,
=> they can be found at:
Thanks a lot!
=> I did not try the first one, but the latter one worked on some of my
=> datas, but fails on others. I filed a bug report some time ago, but got
=> no answer, so I'm afraid this tool currently is unmaintained:
=> But maybe a pg_dump --schema-only on all the databases, and then
=> manually diffing the files may already fulfil your needs.
I've tested something similar, that seems to work ok for me for now :
pg_dump -s -t [TABLE] [DBNAME] | grep -v "^--" | md5sum
The problem I have with this, is that I have to run the command per table,
and seeing that I have over 500 tables in each database, this takes quite a
long time.
I'll test some of the above pgdiffs, and see if either can do it better.
Kind Regards