On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 07:32:02PM -0500, Keith Worthington wrote:
> I have a client application that is unable to write to the database. I
> suspect a permission problem.
What is the client trying to do? How did you determine that it's
not working? Client libraries should have a way to check an
operation's success or failure, and most should provide a way to
get an explanatory error message for a failed operation. What
language does the client application use?
> Is there a log file that shows the commands that the server is
> executing? Where should I start to look for it and what controls
> where it is written? Is there a way to increase/decrease the logging
> level while I am troubleshooting?
See the "Run-time Configuration" section of the "Server Run-time
Environment" chapter in the documentation, especially the "Error
Reporting and Logging" section.
> I am running PostgreSQL v8rc5 on RedHat Enterprise Linux v3.
Some PostgreSQL RPMs redirect the server's logs to /dev/null, so
you might want to check the PostgreSQL startup script if you installed
an RPM. I don't know if the 8.0.0 RPMs have that problem, though.
Michael Fuhr