grant all the database object automatically - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Akbar
Subject grant all the database object automatically
Msg-id 1106215876.10828.9.camel@tux.akbarhome
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: grant all the database object automatically
Re: grant all the database object automatically
List pgsql-novice
How do I give all database object to another user so that user can do
everything he wants?

ALTER DATABASE blabla OWNER TO another_user;
does not give what I want because that another user
still does not have right to manipulate table inside

Since there is no ALTER TABLE * blabla command ( see the * / wild card
sign ), I alter table one by one so that another user can do some
operation on those table.....
Is there any easier way to do this.....?

Ok, after this, what should I do to give database objects fully to
another user beside tables?? Should I alter function, view??? Is there
any tool or command to give all database objects to another user

pgsql-novice by date:

From: Michael Fuhr
Subject: Re: log file
From: "Mike G."
Subject: Re: grant all the database object automatically