am Wed, dem 15.12.2004, um 10:23:54 -0500 mailte Geoffrey folgendes:
> >>I would like to write the output of the \d command on all tables in a
> >>database to an output file. There are more than 200 tables in the
> >>database. I am aware of \o command to write the output to a file. But, it
> >>will be tough to do the \d for each table manually and write the output
> >>to a file. Is there a command/ way in which I can achieve this without
> >>having to do it for each table?
> >
> >You can write a little shell-script to list all tables via \d and parse
> >the output to generate for each table a '\d table'.
> Or:
> for table in $(<filethatcontainsalistofthetables); do
Yes, but you need the file called 'filethatcontainsalistofthetables' ;-)
echo "\d" | psql test_db | awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}{if($3 ~ "Tabelle") {print "\d" $2}}' | psql test_db
It works, if the database named 'test_db' and if the output from \d in
the 3th row is 'Tabelle'.
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