Hi Simon,
Sorry it has taken so long. Among other things, I doubled the controllers
and drives on the system I was testing this on. But now I have some data
against PostgreSQL-8.0beta2.
Here is the test run with archiving enabled:http://www.osdl.org/projects/dbt2dev/results/dev4-010/158/
Here is the test run with archiving disabled:http://www.osdl.org/projects/dbt2dev/results/dev4-010/159/
Here is sar/iostat/vmstat and oprofile data during the first hour of
recovery. Total recovery time took about 6.5 hours:http://www.developer.osdl.org/markw/pitr/
The overall throughput difference between the two runs with archiving
enabled/disabled was within 1%.
I ran the test over a duration of 3 hours (including a 2 hour rampup of
the driver), as opposed to the 6 hours you originally requested. I
hope that is ok.
System details, which you may be interested in:
4 x 1.5 GHz Itanium 2
6 x Compaq Computer Corporation Smart Array 64xx
6 x 14 disk 15K RPM drives (split bus)
The database and archive directory were put onto a single LVM volume
across all 84 drives.
Let me know if I left anything out.
Mark Wong - - markw@osdl.org
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