"Scot L. Harris" <webid@cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Yes I have tried it without quoting the PGDATA2. Same result.
> I have also tried the full path but the flag is apparently not set to
> allow that.
> Besides the error I am getting it appears to me that postmaster would
> not be able to find this new location for the new database. From
> looking at the startup script in init.d it looks like it has PGDATA hard
> coded and I did not see any place in the other config files to specify
> additional database locations.
> It seems like I am missing a piece of the puzzle.
Perhaps the man pages are screwed-up?
$ man createdb
-D location
--location location
Specifies the alternative location for the database.
See also initlocation(1).
$ man initlocation
To create a database in an alternate location, using an
environment variable:
$ export PGDATA2=/opt/postgres/data
Stop and start postmaster so it sees the PGDATA2 environment
variable. The system must be configured so the postmaster
sees PGDATA2 every time it starts. Finally:
$ initlocation PGDATA2
$ createdb -D PGDATA2 testdb
Alternatively, if you allow absolute paths you could write:
$ initlocation /opt/postgres/data
$ createdb -D /opt/postgres/data/testdb testdb
From this I gather that what they *mean*, for the initlocation and
createdb commands, is $PGDATA2. (Note the "$".)