El Lun 19 Abr 2004 17:31, P A escribió:
> Can anyone tell me why this SQL statement is not
> matching with the row from the table below? I think
> I'm going mad!
> #####################################
> SQL Statement
> #####################################
> SELECT * FROM t_bell_schedule WHERE calendar_day =
> '2004-04-12' AND start_time_minutes >= '1082374200'
> AND end_time_minutes <= '1082375100';
start_time_minutes and end_time_minutes are integer data types, so don't
enclose the values in quotes.
> start_time_minutes | integer |
> end_time_minutes | integer |
-- 11:38:01 up 42 days, 16:05, 4 users, load average: 0.48, 0.61, 0.55
Martín Marqués | select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar'
Centro de Telematica | DBA, Programador, Administrador Universidad Nacional del Litoral